Zebras vs Horses

Z is for ZebrasHave you seen the meme “Please don’t confuse your google search with my medical degree”?It’s a very wise saying – especially in today’s internet engorged society.Have you used your favorite search engine to diagnose yourself? I’d bet it had you on your deathbed …

Have you seen the meme “Please don’t confuse your Google search with my medical degree”?

It’s a very wise saying – especially in today’s internet-engorged society. Maybe you have used a favorite search engine to diagnose yourself. I’d bet it had you on your deathbed before you even finished reading the page.

Rare diagnoses are not impossible but do not occur as often as one might think.

Zebra diagnoses are those rare conditions that are assigned when everything else is ruled out. Horses, on the other hand, are the most common explanation.

For example: Say you have a mild transient cough.  It’s far more common to be diagnosed with a cold than tuberculosis.  

  • Suffering from a cold (virus) is the “horse”.

  • Assuming you have tuberculosis would be the “zebra”.

There is a saying in medical school training – “When you hear hoof beats, think horses, not zebras”.

What does this have to do with nutrition?

I’ve covered many subjects during the A to Z series in nutrition and health.  Some subjects are common, while others are quite detailed. I’ve attempted to stay as generalized as possible with all the letter topics. What I want you to take away from everything I’ve written is to look for the simple answers first. Look for the horses.

There are approximately 150,00 – 200,000 zebras left on Earth and are considered an endangered species by some sources. There are approximately 58,372,106 horses as of 2020. More horses than zebras – by far!

Look for horses first.

When it comes to nutrition and health, the same basic principle applies.

A great example is fatigue and weight gain.

Before looking into thyroid problems, uncommon nervous system disorders, or some other extreme medical explanation, start with the basics.

Horse = diet and exercise

Zebra = rare medical treatment

3 Simple Steps to Start With

  1. Start with eliminating processed foods.  Pre-packaged ultra-processed and highly palatable foods are often the biggest culprit.  Removing this alone can improve overall health dramatically.

  2. Next, hydrate appropriately.  Drinking plenty of water is a great start.  Be sure to include electrolytes like LMNT.

  3. Protein intake is next on the agenda.  Ensure you are getting enough quality protein at each of your meals.  Chewable animal-sourced protein is ideal.

Once those three areas are addressed, it really becomes individualized as far as the next steps to take. For more help contact me for a strategy call.

