"I have faced complications with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia, Elhers-Danlos Syndrome, and General Dysautonomia. Along with that comes frequent fainting spells, poor gut and bladder health, extreme fatigue, joint pain, and more. Since enrolling in pain-proof by Marci, I have made almost a full recovery. The diet and supplement plan has made..."

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I came to Marci for nutrition following 15+ years of medical and G.I. issues including; ulcers, bloating and chronic constipation. I had followed directions of multiple G.I. doctors and my problems kept worsening. I incorporated Marci‘s suggestions and am no longer am dependent...


"I took Marci's 5-Day Pelvic Floor Rehab workshop as part of my membership in a private network. I honestly didn't expect much - the exercises were fairly easy to do, didn't require 'special' equipment & didn't take up much time - so how effective could they REALLY be, after all?"

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He has an athletic background, but kept gaining and losing the same 20-30 pounds multiple times. Working out 5 days a week, balancing cardio and strength training didn't work. He still complained his diet was "hit or miss" and wanted to "stop the weight gain through the holidays".  

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"I demand high performance out of myself both physically and mentally, and Marci's personalized approach helps me achieve that daily..."

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Jill is a registered nurse in her late 60s with a sense of humor unmatched (evidence by the photo she supplied for this testimonial). She delivered all of her children naturally and with severe repercussions to her body. She uses a pessary and had Grade 4 multi-organ prolapse when we started. She completed all of her one on one sessions virtually.

This is what she had to say:

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"I am a recovering carboholic. I'm not but I am. Long story short, a few years ago I had got to a point where i got really chubby, and most ways of cutting weight were failing. I had dabbled in body building, wrestled, played football, and got into powerlifting. Weight cuts were easy back then, but then the dreaded thirties hit..."

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"I can honestly say that from day 1, this course introduced me to core activation methods I'd never encountered anywhere else..."

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"...my bladder doesn't leak, or it's not as urgent as it was prior to starting this, I have more self awareness to my muscles down there and I'm pretty sure my husband..."

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clients come to me in all walks of life looking for something more, a way to live their lives whole. 

Don't take my word for it.

I came to Marci for nutrition following 15+ years of medical and G.I. issues including; ulcers, bloating and chronic constipation. I had followed directions of multiple G.I. doctors and my problems kept worsening. I incorporated Marci‘s suggestions and am no longer am dependent on daily laxatives. I no longer have stomach pain and bloating and my chronic joint pain has drastically reduced. I appreciate the customization of the nutrition. If there was something in my nutrition plan she recommended that wasn’t feasible or palatable for me, she would find an alternative that would work for me. I highly recommend Marci’s personalized nutrition. I am so grateful for the improvements in my health and well being.

(Karen was recently diagnosed with EDS and POTS. Nutrition and physical therapy play a vital role in the management of these diagnoses. She has been able to return to the activities and sports she loves.)


Karen J., BA F-ABMDI-Retired Age: 45

Betsy C.

"I took Marci's 5-Day Pelvic Floor Rehab workshop as part of my membership in a private network. I honestly didn't expect much - the exercises were fairly easy to do, didn't require 'special' equipment & didn't take up much time - so how effective could they REALLY be, after all?

 But after spending 15 minutes a day for three days in a row, I found myself sleeping through the entire night - without waking up for an urgent bathroom break, no less - for the first time in a very long time! As a mid-life woman, I'd not had a full night of sleep in several years. But now, I'm sleeping through the night on a regular basis (plus tuning up my pelvic floor has other positive bedroom outcomes as well, hooray!)
I was also able to find the source of the deep muscle tightness that caused most of my long-standing pelvic/hip instability - this after seeing 3 different chiropractors, 2 physical therapists, or various health professionals over the years to identify/address the root cause of the pelvic instability. Thanks to Marci's guidance and instruction, I now have the insight/knowledge to treat the now-occasional muscle tightness myself, while the daily pelvic floor exercises help prevent re-occurrences.

I'm now using the Hip Hook to target my super-tight psoas/illacus on my right side - in the past, I'm betting this was the root cause of my intermittent pelvic misalignment that would then create leg length discrepancies that led to any one of a number of not-fun issues - not to mention numerous chiro visits to pull the pelvis back into alignment, treat muscle tightness, etc., etc., etc. While there's still more core work to be done, I'm glad I have a proactive path forward!"

core + pelvic Floor

Pat had attempted a low carbohydrate diet for a few months, but never had long lasting energy, as he often was fatigued in the afternoon. He has an athletic background, but kept gaining and losing the same 20-30 pounds multiple times. Working out 5 days a week, balancing cardio and strength training didn't work. He still complained his diet was "hit or miss" and wanted to "stop the weight gain through the holidays".

After adding calories in the morning and an electrolyte in the afternoon, along with a few adjustments regarding needing vs wanting snacks, Pat stated his "energy level all day is good and that took just a few important adjustments to what I was eating daily". He is now working out "harder than [he has] in 30 years and having the energy to do so". He adds, "That might sound awful, but it's not, it's fantastic!"

Not only has Pat regain consistent energy, kept weight off, he feels "mentally sharper, especially in the afternoons at work".

Finding and maintaining a healthy diet should not cause stress! Addressing any emotional ties to food, along with ways to determine true hunger vs false hunger helped accelerate Pat's success.

comprehensive nutrition

Pat G. | Financial Advisor. Age: 55

Danny N. | PhD student Age: 25

Marci Zavala has really helped me dial in my nutrition protocol. I demand high performance out of myself both physically and mentally, and Marci's personalized approach helps me achieve that daily. The emphasis on fueling my body the way it was evolutionarily designed to be fueled has left me feeling better and stronger than ever. Marci is also incredibly personable, always willing to answer a question and suggest various dietary tweaks to optimize my nutrition.  

comprehensive nutrition

JiLl M. | Taos, new mexico

“Marci is kind and tactful with corrections. She was very flexible with timing of appointments. She answers messages quickly.

It hadn't occurred to me that there were exercises other than Kegels that could address the pelvic floor.

I only wish I were more consistent with the exercises. They are not physically hard, (my own coordination and body awareness is the main issue). and they take about 5 minutes twice a day.

Even with my sporadic investment of time, I noticed results in about 5 days.”

core + pelvic Floor

Pedro M. | age: 38

So, little backstory. My name is Pedro Mendoza, I'm 38 years old, and I am a recovering carboholic. I'm not but I am. Long story short, a few years ago I had got to a point where i got really chubby, and most ways of cutting weight were failing. I had dabbled in body building, wrestled, played football, and got into powerlifting. Weight cuts were easy back then, but then the dreaded thirties hit, and that weight loss got hard. Apart from that, I felt like garbage. I had started up jiu jitsu, which gave me a lot of positive changes, both emotionally and physically, but I still felt like garbage at times.

I had mentioned it to Marci, who I thought was just an amazing person and a force on the mat, and she suggested maybe I should look at a fat adapted lifestyle. I shrugged her off and suggested to her I know my body, but thank you. How wrong i was...

Over the next few months i battled gut health issues, inflammation issues and every little nook and cranny ache you could think of. I finally gave in, and looked to her for my fat adapted journey.

Over the next 8 weeks i dropped weight like crazy. Eye floaters, inflammation, aches, pains, heartburn disappeared. I dropped from a size 42 waist to a size 33 waist. It was a pretty crazy transformation for someone that "knew their body".

I would have a lot of trial and error with her guidance over the next few years and really found out what my body liked and didnt like. When i would find myself falling off the wagon, I found i could correct course very quickly and get back on track.

Had it not been for Marci and her expertise and patience, i'm sure i would have been down the route of doctors, pills, potions and powders, which leads to empty pockets and full medicine cabinets. I have her to thank, and if someone is looking for the right person to help them fulfill their nutritional journey, i hope this can nudge them in her direction.

comprehensive nutrition

tim v.

"I can honestly say that from day 1, this course introduced me to core activation methods I'd never encountered anywhere else - and the subsequent days introduced some particularly humbling exercises indeed. I've done sets of heavy back squats and felt my core put in less effort than it seems to during these!


core + pelvice Floor


"Marci brought a group of us through a 5-Day Pelvic Floor Rehab online, and it was fabulous.

Marci explained how to do each movement so well, that I was literally able to get into each portion of the exercise and feel what I should be feeling.

The tips of when to breath were bang on, as well what muscles to engage.

I have since been doing this routine most evenings before I go to bed and I've noticed a few improvements... my bladder doesn't leak, or it's not as urgent as it was prior to starting this, I have more self awareness to my muscles down there and I'm pretty sure my husband and I both see the benefits in bed!!

So huge win-win-win here!"

Thanks Marci :)"

core + pelvic floor

Brooke anderson

“My name is Brooke Anderson, and as of 2021, I have faced complications with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia, Elhers-Danlos Syndrome, and General Dysautonomia. Along with that comes frequent fainting spells, poor gut and bladder health, extreme fatigue, joint pain, and more. Since enrolling in pain-proof by Marci, I have made almost a full recovery. The diet and supplement plan has made an unbelievably positive impact on my energy levels and digestion, and the pelvic floor training she led me has made a world of difference for my bladder health. Marci's unmatched dedication and commitment to me and my specific case are what I believe led me to get back to my normal life.”


james a. anderson

“Beginning in November 2021, my 15-year-old daughter Brooke began having serious health problems. She was having fainting spells multiple times a day and suffered from massive fatigue. Everyday activities such as climbing stairs and walking for more than a couple of minutes caused her to pass out. We started monitoring her blood sugar and it was acting strangely; racing to high levels and immediately afterwards it would crash down to extremely low levels repeatedly throughout the day.. Her body simply could not regulate her sugar levels, but it was not a diabetic condition; she produces insulin fine. She was not able to attend school. We live overseas in Jakarta Indonesia and the healthcare here was not sufficient to diagnose her condition, nor to treat her symptoms. We traveled to Dubai to seek better medical services. While there she was given a diagnosis of POTS, which indicated that her blood pressure and heartrate were also not regulated correctly and explained the fainting spells. She was prescribed two different medications which seemed to initially help. Sadly, both medications had diminishing efficacy and the side effects from them were serious and she was unable to continue that course of treatment. Not much later her bladder stopped working properly and she was forced to wear a catheter. It was now January; Brooke and my wife returned to America with the hopes of getting some POTS specific treatment and answers to her other symptoms.

The traditional allopathic medical care provided in America was one depressing appointment after another with every sort of specialist. Some comments from doctors included, “Nothing is wrong, you’re depressed.” and “This is not my speciality, I can’t help you.” Brooke also started having problems with severe constipation, which only compounded the existing complications. We had seen our bright, vivacious, happy, and motivated daughter descend into despair and sadness; it was heartbreaking for our family. I did not know how we were going to solve this problem.

Then, everything turned around. We were referred to Damon and Marci Zavala by a friend who thought they might be able to help Brooke. It was the breakthrough we desperately needed. They educated us about Dysautonomia, and explained that POTS was just one portion of the problem we were facing. Additionally, Brooke suffers from Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), another dysautonomic condition. All of her autonomic functions were going haywire and treating one was not the entire solution. Marci conducted some tests and developed a nutritional plan for Brooke to follow, as well as providing some physical therapy exercises to aid with gut motility and address her hypermobility issues caused by EDS. To my surprise, this had an instant effect on Brooke’s condition. It is truly amazing how the whole body is interconnected and how treating a patient’s overall wellness is more effecive than just throwing prescriptions at symptoms. Damon and Marci were caring, instructive, and available for questions at any time. There was no excessive waiting or dismissive and rude treatment we dealt with from the traditional doctors; such a refreshing change. It is now August 2022 and Brooke is set to start back to school this week. She is back to her old self and my wife and I are so relieved and grateful. Brooke has gained the tools needed to manage her condition and can listen to the messages her body sends her. I believe that if not for the care we received from Damon and Marci we would not be where we are today. I highly recommend them to anyone who is looking for an alternative path to wellness. They will not disappoint you.”

Testimonial of a father with a child with Dysautonomia

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