Should you do the DUTCH test?

DUTCH is an acronym that stands for Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones. The DUTCH test was developed to fill the gaps of traditional serum, 24-hour urine, and saliva testing. This method uses results to correlate a 24-hour period of hormone production, use, and removal.

DUTCH is an acronym that stands for Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones.

The DUTCH test was developed to fill the gaps of traditional serum, 24-hour urine, and saliva testing.  

This method uses results to correlate a 24-hour period of hormone production, use, and removal.  Precision Analytical developed this technology based on a person’s hydration level (measured in creatinine).  In addition to key sex and stress hormones, DUTCH measures key organic acids to help determine nutrient deficiencies as well as important gut, neuro- and systemic inflammation markers.  “Organic acids are compounds the body makes that influence the pH of cells. Each cell in the body requires a specific acid-base balance to ensure it’s communicating and metabolizing appropriately.” (1)

DUTCH results have the capability to provide:

  • Improved treatment plans for PCOS and fertility

  • 10 organic acid biomarkers of health

  • Stress hormone (cortisol and cortisone) rhythms, regulation and removal

  • Better reliability for managing and monitoring BHRT/HRT (bio-identical hormone replacement therapy/hormone replacement therapy)

We use the DUTCH in conjunction with serum lab values as a complete set of objective data to put together the pieces of your health puzzle.  Symptoms otherwise chalked up as “something to deal with” are identified, measured and then able to be dealt with via a comprehensive nutrition plan.  In some instances, hormonal imbalances can be address with adjusting dietary goals and modifying exercising routines.  

Like Goldilocks and the Three Bears, DUTCH results help determine what is “just right” for you.

Are you struggling with:

  • Weight (fat) loss – especially around your waistline

  • Hair thinning/loss

  • Energy levels

  • Getting to sleep or staying asleep

  • Anxiety and/or depression

  • Foggy thinking patterns

  • Fertility or PCOS

  • Hormone regulation

Using the DUTCH results helps steer your personal journey towards better health.

This short video explains why the DUTCH test is different.

