Food Facts

The three macros (the affectionate name for macronutrients) are protein, fat, and carbohydrates.

Protein is a priority

Fat is necessary

Carbs are a wild card

You’ve been lied to.

For decades now.

I’m sorry to break the news to you, but it’s true.

Maybe you’ve felt it with all the confusion about what is “healthy”.

I’m here to set the record straight.

You’re about to learn a few simple nutrition truths – or maybe I should say unlearn.

Let’s start with a few priorities:  macronutrients.

The three macros (the affectionate name for macronutrients) are protein, fat, and carbohydrates.

  • Protein is a priority

  • Fat is necessary

  • Carbs are a wild card

Protein contains the amino acids (the building blocks) for just about everything your body needs:  from the day to day operations that keep you breathing and moving, to repairing itself from those daily functions and the environment in which we live.  More about protein here, here, and here.

Fat is necessary to healthy cell walls, brain, nerves, heart, and makes food taste good!  Cholesterol is crucial to forming many of our hormones.  It’s important to get a variety of fat in your diet to cover all the nutritional bases.

If you are eating non fat or low fat, please reconsider switching to full fat versions.  There are a few exceptions to this (book a free discovery call if you are unsure).  Think of it this way:  All those highly sought after fat soluble vitamins your low fat and non fat food items contain – you’re flushing them down the toilet.  Without the fat in the food you’re eating, your body can’t grab onto them and use them. 

Carbohydrates are a wild card in the sense that they are not vital to survival.  Yes, you read that right.  The reason most believe carbohydrates are an essential component to the human diet because the data for nutrition on animal sources of meat have not be scrutinized or evaluated in the past.  It takes a very long time to change food label standards.  

For example, it has been long taught we could only get adequate vitamin C from citrus fruits, when recent data demonstrates liver and beef contain enough vitamin C to support human health – here’s the important part – when not over cooked.  Sailors in past centuries would get scurvy because their meat was often dried (jerky) and the Vitamin C was no longer present.

Cartoons like this have led us to believe more than “eat your veggies”.  

Free tip:  There’s more human-ready iron (heme iron) in beef than spinach.

Red meat has gotten such a bad reputation since a very flawed study wrongly accused saturated fat and cholesterol as the primary reasons for heart disease and cerebrovascular compromise.

Beef does not directly cause heart disease; it contains some of the much needed nutrients to keep pumping efficiently and effectively.

Next up – veggies

If you are having bloating, cramping, diarrhea, or constipation try cooking your vegetables.  Often this will allow your body to access the available nutrients a little bit better by breaking down some (if not all) of the anti-nutrients.

This is a general guideline that often works wonders for a vast group of people.  Try it for 30-60 days.  See how you feel.

Finally, calories.

Did you know the calorie wasn’t fully defined until the 20th century?  While this unit of energy had been discovered a century earlier, it was not a household term – nor an item to be counted.

Calories in/out is only a piece of the nutrition puzzle.  Consuming a nutrient dense diet provides the building blocks to literally every function your body needs.

And guess what?

When you remove the garbage and replace it with healthy food your body requires, cravings disappear, energy soars, and your sleep improves … among other health benefits.

Don’t wait until a new year, new month, new week, or even a new day to begin healthier habits.

Start now!

Improve your health in safe simple steps TODAY! 

Enroll in a Personalized Nutrition Program to optimize your diet

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