25 Clues You Might Have Dysautonomia

Dysautonomia is not that rare, it’s just not well recognized. Unfortunately, physicians are not well educated on Dysautonomia and patients get labeled as “difficult” or “it’s all in their head”, or worse. If you feel like you have symptoms or illnesses that your healthcare provider can’t find solutions for, explanations as to what it is, […]

Dysautonomia is not that rare, it’s just not well recognized. Unfortunately, physicians are not well educated on Dysautonomia and patients get labeled as “difficult” or “it’s all in their head”, or worse.

If you feel like you have symptoms or illnesses that your healthcare provider can’t find solutions for, explanations as to what it is, or that “there’s nothing else that can be done”, you might have Dysautonomia.

Dysautonomia is a dysfunctional autonomic nervous system. This can be triggered by a concussion, illness, stressful life event, or autoimmunity. Hindsight is 20/20 once you’ve been diagnosed. Most of our patients have been led to believe that there’s nothing wrong with them or even worse – there’s nothing more that can be done.

Signs You May Have Dysautonomia:

  1. You get lightheaded or dizzy seemingly for no reason.

  2. You feel like you’re in a tunnel or about to black out sometimes – even when you’re sitting.

  3. You feel your heart racing at seemingly random times (including when you’re sleeping)

  4. You are exhausted after you take a shower – may need to nap

  5. Alcohol and caffeine seem to affect you differently than most people

  6. Your skin is really sensitive to seams and certain fabrics.

  7. You feel tired and fatigued much of the time

  8. Multiple digestive issues including nausea, vomiting, constipation, and feeling full quickly.

  9. Sweat either too much/too easily or not enough/at all

  10. You are too hot or too cold – all the time

  11. You need to pee – all the time

  12. You’ve lost control of your bladder or need to catheterize because you can’t empty your bladder

  13. Generally low blood pressure

  14. Your blood pressure drops, making you feel dizzy, lightheaded, or as if you are going to pass out – and sometimes you do – without warning.

  15. Brain fog all the time.

  16. Feel shaky and weak

  17. Chest pains and being short of breath

  18. Lymphedema – hands and feet swell easily

  19. Blood pooling in your feet turning them red or purple. Can cause pain

  20. Poor circulation in feet and hands

  21. You’re super bendy or really flexible without stretching.

  22. You’re “double-jointed” or hypermobile – you’ve got “party tricks”

  23. You feel like food or pills get stuck in your throat frequently

  24. You get nauseated with plain food or have multiple food allergies/sensitivities

  25. Traveling and incoming storms make you really tired, get a migraine, or just feel really bad.

If you have any of these symptoms, know you aren’t alone. Most of our patients have been in your shoes.

Get your free Dysautonomia travel checklist HERE

