Workout Anywhere!

Workout In Your Car It’s Super Easy AND Effective! Do you want to get rid of those darn ‘bat wings’ when you’re waving goodbye to your kids? Is your backside falling a little flat?

Workout In Your Car

It’s Super Easy AND Effective!

Do you want to get rid of those darn ‘bat wings’ when you’re waving good-bye to your kids?

Is your backside falling a little flat?

Do you hate sit-ups? (I hate sit-ups – they are bad for your back anyways!)

Try these fun exercises out for a few weeks.  

Want proof it works?  Take some before and after pictures, too!  You’ll be pleasantly surprised.

In just 3 simple exercises, you can improve your muscles, which supports longevity! 

No extra equipment necessary


Grab your steering wheel with one hand on each side (I hope you already are doing it when you try this!).  Now, push your arms together like you are trying to push your hands together.  Variations:  elbows bend vs straight, hands at top and bottom, hands at sides, hands at varying opposing sides.  These variations will cause different muscle sets to work!


This one is super easy!  Sit up tall and pull your navel (belly button) in towards your spine. See if you can tighten each side separately. What about upper vs lower abs?


This one is the most fun of all the car exercises! It will make other people wonder what you are up to!  Make sure you are sitting up tall and your seat is adjusted correctly. Now, squeeze your buns like there’s a $100 bill between those cheeks you’re sitting on and you don’t want anyone to get it!  Squeeze one side at a time or both cheeks together!  Make it fun!  You can literally butt-dance to a song while you are driving.

Share this with a friend and hold each other accountable!

