Dine out WITHOUT Blowing Your Diet

5 Easy Ways to Dine Out WITHOUT Blowing Your DietDo you get frazzled when it comes time to go out to eat? Are you ever overwhelmed with the choices at restaurants? Do you overeat when you aren’t the one cooking?I’ve been there more times than …

5 Easy Ways to Dine Out WITHOUT Blowing Your Diet

Do you get frazzled when it comes time to go out to eat? Are you ever overwhelmed with the choices at restaurants? Do you overeat when you aren’t the one cooking?

I’ve been there more times than I’d like to admit!  Too often I have had the attitude of “but just this once” when choosing items from the menu that I know I shouldn’t be eating.  

Here’s what’s worked for me:

  1. Know the menu ahead of time!  If you have a plan, it takes the guess work out of ordering.  There’s a catchy phrase to ensure safety when SCUBA diving – “Plan the dive.  Dive the plan”.  This concept works when dining out.  Plan what you are going to eat, then eat what you planned to order.  Most restaurants have their menus online.  Plan.  Then follow your plan.

  2. If it doesn’t taste good, DON’T eat it!  This will keep you from overeating something just because it’s on your plate (or your child’s plate).  We often keep eating something only because it’s there! Be smart about this tip.  We aren’t talking about good-for-you foods.  You may need to eat something that’s healthy that isn’t the most flavorful choice, but eventually your tastebuds will go through a rebirth of sorts and wake up to what real food offers, instead of those artificial frankenfoods!

  3. If you have to unpackaged it, chances are it’s not going to give your body the nutrition it needs!  If it’s in a wrapper, it is most likely filled with dangerous chemicals like preservatives and artificial sweeteners (which are linked to autoimmune disorders).  Think items like Hostess and Little Debbie.  Instead, eat whole foods.  Plain and simple.  Even fast food chains have healthier options.  If you are unsure, you can always message me!

  4. Put your fork down while you chew your food!  This is my favorite tip I give people who are struggling to lose unwanted weight.  It teaches you to slow down and become body aware.  You will quickly become in tune with your body’s signals for being satisfied, and not overeat as easily.

  5. Ask for substitutions!  Go ahead, don’t be shy.  Most dining establishments will allow you to sub seasonal veggies for bread or french fries.  Often the server will ask if you want a side salad or starch (fries, potatoes, rice, etc).  Opt for the veggies at dinner especially.

I promise when you institute these simple guidelines, your waistline and GI system will thank you!

To a Healthier YOU,

